Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Madi the taco, a "ban" and my girls...

Just a couple things I wanted to write before I forget them. This morning Madi was cold when she got up so I put out a blanket on the couch. Instead of just covering her up with the blanket though, I folded it in half so she could lay on one half and the other half could cover her (our couch is cold in the morning so she couldn't just lay on the couch:) Anyways, after I covered her with the top part she said, "Mommy, I look like a taco" and proceeded to start giggling. She is so funny and just has the greatest sense of humor, I just love this kid:)

The other day I was complaining about my car which is having some issues right now and I said to Madi, "Mommy's car is such a piece of junk!" Madi replied, "maybe you should get a ban (van) or something, when Gracie is born." She thinks my mom & dad's van is very cool so she wants us to have one too:) By the way, my car will be getting fixed this weekend by my lovely husband:) It will be getting new hub, intake gasket, some bracket thing (very technical, I know) and some part for the steering...makes me feel pretty good about the fact that I've been driving it around like this for how long!

Last night Gracie was moving alot so I layed down on the couch, hoping that Madi would be able to see the movement. Madi started singing and talking to Gracie and Gracie gave this HUGE kick and moved my stomach big time, it was definitely the largest movment so far. Unfortunately Madi couldn't sit still long enough to see the movement but I just love how Grace responds to Madi's voice already; I think they're going to be great friends. Last night was also the first night Dave was able to feel Gracie moving too. She must know I'm writing about her cause she just started moving right now:)

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