Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's a...

GIRL!!! That's right, David is going to have his hands full with 3 women in the house:) Madi knew all along that it was a girl and Mommy, Great Grandma and Uncle Luis were all wrong! Little Grace is already in the 95th percentile for her weight so I think we're going to have another big girl on our hands!!! She weighs in at a whopping 12oz already:) We are so happy and can't wait to meet our little Gracie girl in February. The dr. said judging by the measurments taken during the ultrasound that she is measuring 1 week & 2 days earlier than my expected due date but that they won't change the due date because most mom's don't go until their due date with their 2nd babies anyway. That would put her birthday at the end of January. I will try and put up some ultrasound pics later but now I need to go put my feet up; I wore heels today and am really regretting it:)

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

Congratulations on your baby being a little girl. Madi knew all along! We can't wait to welcome her into the family! Madi is going to be a wonderful big sister with so much to teach baby Gracie! Gracie & Madi are so blessed to have such a loving mommy & daddy!