Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Year Old Stats

Yesterday Madisyn had her 3 year well check. She weighed in at 42.1 lbs which puts her in the 95th percentile for weight and 39 inches putting her in the 90th percentile for height! She is getting so big. She did great at her Dr. appt. and wont have to go back again until next year as long as we have another healthy winter. She informed the Dr. that she has blue baby butterflies in her tummy. She's been saying this since we found out I was pregnant:) It's so cute. She can also get a new car seat as she is big enough for a booster now.

On a different note, Madi informed me that she had a dream that mommy was going to have TWO babies!!! I hope she's not right:)

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