Thursday, July 30, 2009

I owe it all to the Taco Bell drive-thru...Happy 4th Anniversary to us!

Dave and I have been married for 4 years already! Where does the time go? I thought it would be fitting to share how Mr. and Mrs. David Reed came to all started with Taco Bell. That's right, this wonderful life I have with Dave and Madi all started because I took a trip to the Taco Bell drive thru in Laramie, WY.

It was May 2003 and I was getting ready to finish my 2nd year of college and drive back to Evanston for the summer. My car was packed up but I wasn't leaving until after a final I had the next day. So, I decided to go to Taco Bell to get something to eat. While I was waiting in line for my food in the dive thru a guy named Jeremy approached my car and started having a conversation with me. We chatted a little bit and he asked me for my phone number. Now, this is not something that I normally would've NEVER done. For some reason though, I gave this stranger my phone number, not realizing that this would all be part of the "master plan."

I went home the next day for the summer and started dating someone from my hometown. Jeremy from Taco Bell called a few times throughout the summer but since I was dating someone else I ended our phone calls pretty quickly. It was getting towards the end of the summer and I got dumped by the guy from my hometown. I was sitting at the restaurant that I waitressed at for the summer with my bff Erika and her hubby Tim, feeling depressed about my recent breakup and got this idea to call Taco Bell boy. Again, this was totally out of character for me, but with a little help and encouragement from Tim & Erika I did it.

I went back to Laramie later that week to start another semester of school and during my call to Jeremy we had decided we'd get together when I got back to school. The first weekend back at school my friends and I had a little get together and invited Jeremy. Jeremy wanted to bring a friend which was great, afterall there were LOTS of girls who would be there. Little did I know that Jeremy's friend would one day be my husband!

Jeremy and I hung out a couple more times and I saw Dave a few times as well since he lived in the same apartments as Jeremy did. Somewhere along the way Jeremy's phone wasn't working and he started calling me from Dave's phone. Well, one day I called who I thought was Jeremy and it turns out I was actually calling Dave. Dave told me Jeremy had graduated and went back home. I was feeling defeated, being "dumped" as much as I had recently would leave any girl feeling down:) Dave took this as his opportunity to make his "move" and the rest is history. Dave and I started spending alot of time together even though Dave got very frustrated with me not wanting to officially date him, that is a story for another day though.

So, today I just want to wish my husband a Happy 4th Anniversary...who knows, maybe we'll go out to Taco Bell for dinner tonight:)

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

Now I know the "rest of the story"!I remember when Dave was home for Christmas break & he was beaming when announcing "Lexie are now official!"