Friday, July 24, 2009

Gary Allan Concert

Gary Allan!!!
Sing it good lookin'
Sure, I can give you a hug:)
This is how Dave looks when he's had too much to drink. Notice the nice spill down his shirt...I had one to match down my shirt, pants and purse!
Awesome concert!
Doug and Sarah, so cute!
In case you didn't know, I LOVE Gary Allan...well, tonight I got to see him in concert!!! My life is complete now:) Just kidding. Dave and I went to the concert with my brother and his fiance, Sarah:) We had a great time but I ate so much bad food there. I'm sure the baby was wondering what the heck I was putting it through tonight between all the bad food and loud music. Here are some pics from our great'll notice a theme throughout the pictures, my brother and Dave drinking ALOT of beer. They like having me pregnant again, always a DD.

1 comment:

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

Those are awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing!!!