Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Weekend

Madi playing a game at Brunch on the Farm
Madi's in heaven here, having ice cream for breakfast:)
Trying out another game!
I think this was her favorite part of the morning, they had chocolate milk in cartons and we didn't have a sippy cup or straw so she got to drink out of the carton all by herself...she thought it was sooo cool.
Trying out the new pool, she had a blast!
We had a great weekend this weekend, one that you just wish could last a couple more days (really aren't they all like that though?). We started out our Friday evening with Madi swimming in her new pool and Daddy grilling us up some yummy steaks then we watched a movie (7 Pounds-which was great). Saturday we slept in as much as we could then I got up and re-organized the pantry and laundry room, cleaned the house, went to church and came home and watched another movie (The ??? of Benjamin Button-another good one; long but good). This morning we got up and went to Brunch on the Farm over towards Bonduel. We had a really good time, these are such great events. Then we were invited to my brother and his girlfriend's apartment for lunch (which was GREAT, thanks for having us!!!). Now we're at home, relaxing and getting ready for another week. I just love weekends like this!

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