Thursday, June 4, 2009

My new obsession and yes, I am a nerd.

I think I'm officially getting old. My newest obsession is watching the weekly sales at the grocery store and using coupons I have to get some of my groceries for next to nothing. Every Wednesday, Copps grocery stores double coupons so here are a few of the good deals I got yesterday.
Deal #1
Manwich-On sale for $1 each. I had a coupon for $.40 off of two cans; double that and it's $.80 off of two cans. So, original price was $2.00, minus my $.80 coupon, I got two cans for $1.20 or $.60 each.
Deal #2
Hamburger Helper-on sale for $1 each. I had a coupon for $.80 off of three boxes; double it and get $1.60 off of three boxes. So, original price was $3.00, minus $1.60 coupon, I got three boxes for $1.40 or about $.47 each.
Deal #3
Philly Cream Cheese-on sale 2 for $3.00. I had a coupon for $1.00 off of two boxes; double it and get $2.00 off of two boxes. So, original price was $3.00, minus $2.00 coupon, I got two boxes of cream cheese for $1.00 or $.50 each.
Deal #4
Jack's Pizza's (the thick crust ones)-on sale 3 for $9.99. I had a coupon for $1.00 off of two pizzas; double it and get $2.00 off of two pizzas. So, original price for my two pizzas was $6.33, minus $2.00 coupon, I got two pizzas for $4.33. These pizzas are normally like $5-$6 each!

So, yes, I am a dork but I'm saving us money so I don't care:)

1 comment:

Erin said...

I think this does prove that you are offically getting old...sorry.