Tuesday, June 23, 2009

7 weeks down, 33 (or so) to go!

I will try to post the pictures of our 1st and 2nd ultrasounds soon. I need to scan them into the computer...it's crazy what a difference there was from the 1st to the 2nd ultrasound and how much baby developed in only a little over a week. How can anyone say that this entire process is not a miracle?

How far along? 7 weeks

Total weight gain: Maybe a lb.

Maternity clothes? Not yet but pretty soon the maternity pants will come out; I heard you show sooner with baby #2 and I can feel my pants getting a little snug in the waist.

Stretch marks? No new ones, just the ones left over from when Madi was born:)

Sleep: My sleep hasn't been the greatest for the last 2 3/4 years so not sleeping well is something I'm used to. Madi was up 4 times the other night; she wanted me to sleep with her in her bed all night. Hopefully she doesn't keep this up, I need at least a few months of sleep before baby #2 comes.

Best moment this week: Getting to hear baby's heartbeat on Friday (6/19) via ultrasound. It was awesome and neither Dave or I were expecting to get to hear that until at least our next visit so it was an awesome suprise.

Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: I really wanted Chinese Food the other day and I always crave subs. I have been feeling pretty nauseous the last couple days though and not just in the morning.

Gender: Only 13 weeks until we find out if Madi will have a little brother or sister!

Labor Signs: Nope

What I miss: Nothing really, it's not like I have really had to "give up" much, cutting out caffiene was no problem; in the scheme of things not drinking caffiene is a pretty minor thing to do for this little peanut!

What I am looking forward to: Our next Dr. appointment which Madi will get to come to so she can hear baby brother/sister's heartbeat too.

Weekly Wisdom: Make sure Madi knows how much she's loved. I never want her to feel like she's being overshadowed by baby.

Milestones: Hearing the heartbeat. I guess it just feels more "real" when you hear that little heart going 136 bpm!

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