Monday, June 22, 2015

Our Little Buckaroo is Turning 2

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day to celebrate our little man's 2nd birthday.  It seems as every weekend during the summer is filled with something, so we opted to celebrate his birthday on Father's Day and it was just the most perfect day.  Dave and I were talking last night
 about how happy Wyatt was during his party (and all the kids for that matter, they were all having so much fun).  Watching him (and the girls on their birthdays) so happy is the reason I love planning their parties.  I had so much fun with his party and was amazed what I could come up with from stuff I had around the house.  Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us and thanks to my mom for making another beautiful cake.  She never ceases to amaze me.  And prepared for picture overload!

We had a pretty rough crowd at his party:)

The kids played, and played, and played!

We ate lots of yummy food and cake...

Wyatt got some wonderful birthday gifts

And we sang Happy Birthday to the little boy who was grinning from ear-to-ear the whole time.  Unfortunately, he got a little too close to the flame and burned his lip:(  Good thing he's tough. 
He will break out singing "Happy Birthday to Papa" multiple times a day so he thought it was great that we were singing to him!


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