Sunday, June 14, 2015

2015 Oconto County Breakfast on the Farm

One of our favorite summer activities is going to Breakfast on the Farm every year during June dairy month.  We've been going since Madi was about Wyatt's age.  Wyatt was in hog heaven today, loving all the tractors.  Our sweet nieces, Hannah and Hattie, got to experience it for the first time too and boy did they look adorable in their little rain boots:)  Such a great event!
 I love that you can see his little lips making a "driving" noise:)
 And I love everything about this; his little feet dangling with his rain boots on and his adorable little overalls. 
 Breakfast on the Farm crew
 Hannah and Hattie LOVED these cows!
 My little animals:)
 The Hoversons on the farm tour; can just see the back of Hannah's head, she was too busy "mooing."
 The kids had fun playing on these tractors that one of Dave's customers brings to the event every year. 
 Madi enjoying her ice cream sundae.  This girl loves her ice cream. 
 Hattie getting a bite from Daddy.
 Gracie, cute as a bug!
 My wild things in action. 
 He looks like a caged animal:)

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