Thursday, June 18, 2015

If you need us, we'll be at the soccer fields

Soccer season is in full swing at the Reed house.  Madi plays Tuesday and Thursday nights and Grace plays Wednesdays.  Madi is in the "big leagues" and plays on a larger field with a goalie and they officially keep score now and will even have tournaments towards the end of July.  It has been somewhat of an adjustment for her; going from scoring multiple goals each game last year, to scoring one every couple games this year.  It was hard for her to get used to but she is doing very well and continues to be a very good player.  Grace has really come a long ways from last year.  Last year she scored one goal throughout the season and this year had 2 goals in her first game and 3 in another.  During her first game, she told my mom she was going to have Dave take a video of her so she could show her.  Part way through her game, she stopped mid-field, looked at Dave and yelled, "video.".  He quickly got his phone ready and she got the ball and took it all the way down the field to score a goal.  It was so cute, like she knew exactly what she was going to do and knew she was going to score a goal.  Her confidence has grown so much and she is very good at stopping the ball and getting it turned around.  We enjoy watching them both so much and Wyatt is their biggest fan.  He sits on the sidelines and yells, "Go Madi" or "Go Gracie" or "Go Green" (both girls have green shirts this year).  When Wyatt is old enough to play, Dave and I would like to coach his team together and Madi wants to help:)  When we get to that point, having all 3 playing, we may just set up our camper at the fields;)

(Madi is the one celebrating in front of the goal:)

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