Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Wyatt John

Happy 2nd Birthday Wyatt John Reed!  I don't even know where to begin with this little boy who I am so extremely blessed to call my son.  It's so hard to believe that it's been 2 years since we drove WAY over the speed limit on our way to Green Bay to welcome this little boy into the world.  I  cried most of the way there and just knew he was going to be born in the car.  Thankfully we made it and he came into this world 9lbs. 15oz. of pure perfection.  He is so full of joy and such a friendly little boy.  I love watching him grow, learn, and explore.  Happy Birthday Wy man, mommy loves you more than you could ever know!
 Trying to roll over, just minutes old
 1st Birthday
2nd Birthday

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Welter Family Camping Weekend 2015

What a beautiful weekend it was camping with Dave's extended family at his Aunt & Uncle's cabin near Laona, WI.  They are such a fun group and it's so fun watching 2nd cousins become good friends.  We spent Thursday-Saturday night and had the best time.  The weather was perfect and we spent two days enjoying the beautiful beach.  Grace and Wyatt were asleep before we ever left their driveway which is the true sign of a fun-filled weekend:)  Thanks for all the memories Welter Family, we can't wait until next year! 
 John and Shirley had fun signs lining the road into their cabin.  Forgot to get pictures of all of them:)
 They made a "fort"-so cute!
 The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup:)
 Madi book worm reading by the fire. 
 Lunch time
 Little man playing in the giant sandbox, aka, the beach.  It's like a dream come true for him. 
 We did some kayaking and it was sooooo much fun. 
 Swinging in a swim diaper + sand from head to toe = one happy little boy
 Oh this girl...
 Cousin fun
 The entire crew!
 Sleepy eyed kids.  One morning they slept until 8:00 which never happens.  I guess we wore them out!
 There were some serious games of Beers-bie going on. 

 Beach fun.
 More kayaking fun. 

 3 of Dave's Aunts (Julie, Pam, and Shirley) and his cousin and her boyfriend at the beach

Monday, June 22, 2015

Our Little Buckaroo is Turning 2

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day to celebrate our little man's 2nd birthday.  It seems as every weekend during the summer is filled with something, so we opted to celebrate his birthday on Father's Day and it was just the most perfect day.  Dave and I were talking last night
 about how happy Wyatt was during his party (and all the kids for that matter, they were all having so much fun).  Watching him (and the girls on their birthdays) so happy is the reason I love planning their parties.  I had so much fun with his party and was amazed what I could come up with from stuff I had around the house.  Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us and thanks to my mom for making another beautiful cake.  She never ceases to amaze me.  And prepared for picture overload!

We had a pretty rough crowd at his party:)

The kids played, and played, and played!

We ate lots of yummy food and cake...

Wyatt got some wonderful birthday gifts

And we sang Happy Birthday to the little boy who was grinning from ear-to-ear the whole time.  Unfortunately, he got a little too close to the flame and burned his lip:(  Good thing he's tough. 
He will break out singing "Happy Birthday to Papa" multiple times a day so he thought it was great that we were singing to him!