Tuesday, September 23, 2014

We Partied Like Rockstars

Today we celebrated Madisyn's 8th birthday!  Her real birthday was on the 8th but she wanted to wait until she had been in school a while so she could invite friends and also wait until Papa was home from work.  It was a fun day and all the kids seemed to have a great time.  Dave and I talked after the party about how loud it got for a while but knew it meant the kids were having fun so it really didn't matter.  Seeing the excitement in my kids' faces during, and leading up to, their parties makes the work, noise, mess, etc. seem pretty minor.  I feel like it's part of their gift from me.  Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate; we are blessed to have our family so close!
Kid's party favors
 Thanks for "POP"ping by to "ROCK" with us at Madi's 8th Birthday Party
 My favorite decoration.  Dave and I made old cd's into a banner
 Kid's table
 The birthday rock star's photo shoot
 Getting a little practice in before her guests arrive
 The spread
 This jello was by far the biggest hit.  The kids even at all my "scraps."
 12 feet of subs...not sure we got enough food!
 Another beautiful cake made by Grandma Hoverson. 
 Best buds
 This girl is always ready for a party:)  (Hattie)
 The birthday girl!
 Make a wish!
Cousins Jack and Wyatt enjoying drumstick ice cream cones!

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