Monday, September 8, 2014

A Golden Birthday

Today our baby turned 8.  I remember the details of the day as if it were just yesterday.   It was a Friday,  I was working at the Y still and Dave and I had gotten up very early that morning because I was having some contractions.  They continued throughout the morning but nothing too bad so I went to work.  It was getting towards lunch time and my contractions were getting more intense.  My co-workers insisted I go home so I headed home and thought I should stop for a sub at Jimmy Johns on my way home because I was hungry and if this little girl was coming, I was going to need my strength.  As I was driving I had a HUGE contraction and decided to head straight home instead.  I made it home and called Dave and told him he may want to start wrapping things up for the day, I thought we should probably go to the hospital, but it was really no big rush.  Well fast forward an hour or so and I decided it was really time to go.  Dave ran in the door and was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  We made it to the hospital and just 4 short hours later, on a rainy September evening,  Madisyn Kaci Reed came into this world and made us the happiest mommy and daddy; and she still does everyday. 
Madi makes us so proud and when we look at her, we know we're doing something right.  She is a kind, caring, helpful, beautiful, girl and she is growing up much too fast for my liking.  Tonight we celebrated her "real" birthday with my mom, Grandpa and Grandma Reed, and Doug, Sarah, and the twinnies.  We couldn't let her Golden Birthday go by without celebrating since her party isn't until the 20th.  We take full advantage of any reason we have to celebrate:) 
 Sleepy eyed birthday breakfast:)

 Ready for school and to share her birthday treats with her class
 SOOO excited to get a little money!
 I think she likes her new jeans!
 A new bike!!!
 She couldn't wait to take it for a spin!

 Happy to be 8!
It took her a few tries to get all the candles blown out, there better not be any boyfriends:)

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