Sunday, July 6, 2014

What a Week

Dave has been off since Tuesday so we tried to make the most of his week off.  Tuesday we let the girls pick what they wanted to do and they decided on 'Sir Bounce-a-lots,' an Chuck-E-Cheese type place but with a bunch of bounce houses.  Wednesday we went to Bay Beach and everyone had lots of fun, even Wy man.  Thursday afternoon we headed up to Dave's parent's house and spent the 4th there then headed home Saturday morning, got some things done at home, and had dinner with my family and my Uncle and his girlfriend who were here from Michigan.  It's been a good week and there's a chance Dave is looking forward to going back to work after being home with us for that long:)  Here are some pictures of all the action!
 All boy, all the time
 Madi dubbed herself "Queen of the Campfire"
 Madi giving us a sparkler show
 Me and the girls on the Ferris Wheel at Bay Beach
 Wyatt loved the boats:)
 My loves on the Bay
 Dave found a Geocache box and had to check out what was inside
 My handsome little man
 Grace loved every minute of the swings
 Grace and I on the Scrambler
 My boys

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