Thursday, July 10, 2014

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride...

I'm sitting at home tonight and it is so quiet, almost too quiet, and I just can't get this song out of my head.  I am just thinking about the week it's been; my mom starting chemo again and my sweet boy getting tubes in his ears tomorrow, two things that could've easily ruined the week.  But, I can't help but feel that the last few days have been really good.  I know it sounds weird, but there's been a lot of little things that have made my heart smile and made everything seem a little better. 
On Tuesday, Grace got her first goal in soccer!  We were so excited and happy for her and I loved seeing how proud she was (and we were too of course!).  I had jogged to her game and decided to jog home too even though the clouds were looking pretty dark.  Not far into my run home it started to rain.  I managed to get pretty soaked before Dave and the kids picked me up and drove me home but it felt SO good.  Running in the rain might be the best stress reliever ever; I would highly recommend it.  We were on our way to get ice cream to celebrate Grace's first goal and the sun came back out and we saw a double rainbow.  Rainbows just automatically brighten your day.  They always remind me of Grandma Reed (and Grandpa Reed too).  In 2011 there was a rainbow right after we found out Dave had lost his job.  I knew it was Grandma Reed telling us things were going to be ok.  When I saw the double rainbow the other night, I knew it was both Grandma and Grandpa letting us know they're still up there watching over us and that they'd take care of Wyatt and my mom.  

On Wednesday although I took my mom to chemo, I got to spend most of the day with her and I love that, it's one of my very favorite things.  There's nothing like a day of talking to your mom; it just makes you feel better.  She and the girls weren't up to going into one last store I needed to stop at so they hung out in the car while Wyatt and I ran in.  Wyatt just attracts people and makes people happy (how could that cute face not?)  Several people just came up and started talking to us and told me what a good looking boy he is (of course I already knew that:).  One gentleman came up to us and told me he was 91 years old but he had played tennis earlier that day.  We talked for a while and he dug into his pocket and pulled out some change and handed Wyatt a quarter and told him to "invest it in the Packers."  When we got home, the girls decided they had to bake something to take to Grandma's house.  They've been looking through some kid's cookbooks.  They decided on a cake; it was so sweet watching how excited they were and how they wanted to do it all by themselves.

Today we went to story time and out to lunch with my sis-in-law and my sweet little twin nieces.  I love being able to do that, they're some of my favorite people in this world:)  We finished the night cheering Madi on at soccer; we had a crew of 12 there for her cheering section tonight!  She scored at least 5 goals, we lost track:)  She informed us that she said if she got 5 or more goals that we had to go out for ice cream again.....well, she did and so we HAD to go for ice cream again:)  Then Dave took the girls to Doug and Sarah's where they're spending the night because we have to take Wyatt to the hospital so early.  All these little things just really made my heart happy.  I am truly blessed. 

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