Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sledding and 6 Month Little Man

 This little heartbreaker turned 6 months old today!  He seriously just melts my heart!
 Wy man's first sled ride!
 Faster Daddy:)
 Wyatt doing his first "jump."  It will be the first of many with this little guy I'm sure. 
 Gracie catching some air!
 Sledding sisters
 Gracie catching some big air!
 Madi's turn to do the jump
 Mommy and Wyatt even took a couple trips down the hill.  After we got to the bottom I turned him around to see his expression and he had a cute little grin on his face so I think he had fun. 
 Me and my kiddos
 Probably the best picture of the day, both girls coming off the jump!
 I went off the jump with the girls...we'll just say Mommy has a backache now...I'm getting old:)

 What a beautiful kid she is
 Silly (and cold) sisters
My happy Grace face
We had a really nice Sunday today.  We went to church and headed into Green Bay to make a couple returns and get a few groceries.  We had a very tasty lunch complements of my brother and his wife who gave us a gift certificate for Christmas to try Firehouse Subs.  It was SOOOO good and both kids ate like troopers which was an added bonus.  We had planned to take the kids sledding near our church but Dave remembered a good park not far from where he grew up and we decided to go there instead.  We had the whole hill to ourselves which was awesome.  The girls had a B.L.A.S.T.  I haven't laughed as hard as I did today in a long time, it was so much fun.  After sledding we came home and Doug, Sarah, and my adorable little nieces came over for a visit; they are such little peanuts:)  Then it was back to reality and doing laundry and all of my least favorite jobs...oh well!  Tomorrow is my last Monday of work and then Tuesday is my last official day!  It hasn't really sunk in yet that I am really done but I am getting so excited.  Have a good week and Happy New Year!

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