Sunday, December 22, 2013

Another Week of Jolly and Other Christmas Fun

 Yesterday afternoon we rang the bell for the Salvation Army at our local grocery store. It was really a lot of fun and our cute kids really helped fill the kettle:)  They took turns ringing the bell and handing out candy canes that we brought and Grace sang "Jingle Bells" most of the time which really got people in the giving mood; who can resist that sweet little voice!  Wyatt just enjoyed taking it all in.  We look forward to making this a yearly tradition. 
 Jolly actually brought us candy canes to take with when we rang the bell, what a great idea Jolly!

 This morning Jolly was busy making a big snowflake out of Q-tips to go along with all the snow that is falling outside.
 Jolly got himself in a little predicament one morning when he managed to get all rolled up in the toilet paper. 
 Personally, this is my favorite thing Jolly has done yet and the girls thought it was great.  They (especially Grace) always sings the song "Wrecking Ball."  Jolly "came in like a wrecking ball" one morning then left us the giant ball hanging on our tree the next day. 
 Here is Madi heading up on the stage at her Christmas concert this past Thursday.  The lighting in the gym is terrible at school so this was one of the few pictures I got:(
 Jolly took the place of one of the Rice Krispie elves.
 Here's Grace at her church Christmas program last Sunday.  She did SOOOO good and could be heard above all the kids.  She was so proud!  Afterwards they served birthday cake for Baby Jesus in our church hall; such a good morning. 
 Jolly fixed one of our Barbie's hair one day and the girls were impressed by how good of a job he did!
 He played tic-tac-toe with one of our snowman decorations, it was a very close game!
 Here he is riding our Barbie jet-ski in the bathtub:)
 And we can't leave this little man out.  He is pretty much crawling and was sooo proud of himself the other day when he managed to get under the coffee table.  He can get himself basically anywhere he wants with a combination of scooting and rolling.  He will be 6 months old a week from tomorrow, where did the time go???

And, in other news, I worked my LAST Saturday at the bank yesterday!  Only 6 days of work left until I get to stay home with my kiddos!!!

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