Saturday, December 14, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We finally went and cut down our Christmas tree  last week after church and finally managed to get it decorated last night.  It was super cold out but the kids had a blast, even Wy man loved being outside.  This is the second year that we have gone to this tree farm and we really liked it and the family that runs it.  We were sad to find out that this is their last year selling trees:(  They built a new home on the land and no longer have enough acreage to plant the 1200 trees that need to be planted each year.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our outing:) usual:)
 This is my favorite picture; could this little man possibly be any cuter?
 Getting too big and so beautiful
 She was very proud of whatever she had found:)
 Gracie "helping" daddy cut down the tree

Rosy cheeks

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