Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Craziness

It always makes me sad just how quickly Christmas goes by after all the preparation put into it.  We had a very nice Christmas this year though, as we always do.  We had our own little family Christmas on Christmas Eve morning; Santa came a little early because he knew we'd be at my parent's house on Christmas Eve night:)  We must have all been VERY good this year because Santa spoiled us!  We had close to 300 pictures on our camera from Christmas so I could post a TON, but here are a few of my favorites!
 Grace with her new bike from Santa!
 Do you think this girl is excited about her gift of what???
 She even got teary-eyed:)
 Trying out her new out for this kid!
 Wyatt's new gas station.
 There was another present...To: The Reed Family (mostly Mommy and Daddy) From:  Santa  The girls could hardly believe their eyes, a new iPad!
 Wy man cruising on his new motorcycle:)  It won't be long!
 I just loved the look on her face in this one:)
 Crazy Hoverson Christmas with "A Christmas Story" playing on the tv. 
 Cute cousins.  I love these kids so much!
 Wyatt and his twin, Charlie Brown.
 Wy man and his Great Uncle John having fun at the Welter Family Christmas. 
 Trying to sneak a drink of Dad's beer already...oh no!
Most of Dave's extended family celebrating Christmas. 

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