Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Baby news.....or lack thereof

Well, we went to the dr. today and it's up to our little Wy man to decide when  he's going to make his appearance; my dr. said she wouldn't induce until 39 weeks because he's "big, but not that hug yet."  Yeah, that's easy for her to say:)  He weighed roughly 8lbs. 8oz. based on the ultrasound and in the 96th percentile already.  The good news is that I am 3cm dialated.  I made another appointment for next Wednesday but she almost expects I won't make it until then.  I have been having contractions all afternoon so I'm hoping I'm making more progress and we will be meeting our little guy soon. 
The girls have been BEGGING me to take them to Bay Beach so, in hopes that more walking would put me in labor, we spent the morning there having some fun.  Here are a few pictures of our day:)
 Waiting in line for some tickets:)
 The first ones to ride the merry go round and the only ones on the ride, pretty cool!
 Ready for the train ride to start.  I love how Grace is holding onto Madi's arm...
they really do love eachother:)
 Madi loves her big sunglasses.  She looks like a cute little bug in them and look at how all those teeth are growing in!
Ready for the ride to start. 
Madi was such an awesome help today with Grace on the rides.  She made sure she got Grace buckled into all of them and as soon as it stopped, went straight to help Grace get unbuckled and would even lift Grace in/out if need be.  They were so good and screamed with excitement when we pulled into the parking lot at Bay Beach; they didn't know we were going:) 

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