Tuesday, June 11, 2013

36 Weeks, Breakfast, and Baseball

How far along? 36 Weeks (I got my picture by these cows at Breakfast on the Farm on Sunday, it was how I was feeling that day:)
Total weight gain: 30+  
Maternity clothes? Yes, and growing out of some of those too!
Stretch marks? Yep
Sleep:Some nights are ok, some not so much.
Best moment this week: It was another busy week and weekend, but lots of fun.  Wednesday was Madi's last day of school and it was a half day so after she got out we headed to Green Bay and played for ther afternoon.  We went to Sir-Bounce-Alots, to the mall for lunch and to get a few accessories from Build-a-Bear then to Cold Stone for some afternoon ice cream.  We went to Breakfast on the Farm with Dave's brother and his family on Sunday morning then to a baseball game on Sunday afternoon. 
Movement: Still squirming aournd quite a bit but definitely not as much as a couple weeks ago; we're both running out of space!
Food cravings: All I want is food that is NOT good for me; why can't I be hungry for fruit??
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: I had one major contraction on Saturday; it kind of caught me off guard...but then nothing.  My feet and ankles are still super swollen too. 
What I miss: Sleep, normal feet and ankles:)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my Dr. tomorrow and getting her take on all the swelling, etc.
Weekly Wisdom: Wy man is gaining about an oz. each day.
Milestones: The final week until Wyatt is considered full term!

 Here are a few pictures of our weekend:)
 All the cousins trying to milk the cow:)
 My girls riding tractors
 Cute little cow pokes
Pretty Madi at the baseball game

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