Monday, June 3, 2013

35 Weeks and Weekend in Milwaukee

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: Right at 30lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and growing out of some of those too! My shirts are getting shorter and shorter!
Stretch marks? Oh yes
Sleep:Some nights are ok, some not so much. 
Best moment this week: What a busy week it was!  I was surprised Friday night with a baby shower from my coworkers!  They brought in balloons Friday afternoon and told me I had somewhere to be that night.  We all went to one of the girls' house and they spoiled me with gifts and delicious food.  Saturday we headed to Milwaukee for a wedding then enjoyed letting the kids play the rest of the night and the Milwaukee Zoo on Sunday.
Movement: His movement has decreased a little; I think he's just running out of room
Food cravings: Nothing really; I just feel full all the time; no idea why;) 
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Had a couple more contractions this week and my feet and ankles are still super swollen. I called my Dr. because my feet have been HUGE for at least 4 days.  They said I may want to consider being off of work now.  I would really rather start my leave when he's born so we are going to see how the next little bit goes and I have to make myself sit and relax more.  At this point they see no threat to Wyatt because my blood pressure has been consistently low, etc.  Check out these beauties....
 What I miss: Sleep, normal feet and ankles:)
What I am looking forward to: We have another busy week this week; this could be another reason my feet look the way they do!  Madi's last day of Kindergarten is on Wednesday :'(  I'm hoping to pick her up from school and take them to Bay Beach and enjoy the afternoon; they've been asking for weeks to go.   Sunday we have tickets to go to a Timber Rattlers baseball game in Appleton and Dave's brother & his family invited us to join them for Breakfast on the Farm on Sunday morning.  We are going to play that by ear, depending how the swelling situation is but we would definitely love to join them. 
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is the size of a honeydew melon (he sure feels bigger than that!)
Milestones: 3 weeks to go until 38 weeks, when Grace was born!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our weekend in Milwaukee.  We went to Dave's cousin's wedding Saturday afternoon then spent the rest of the night letting the kids play, swim, and eat!  When we got to our hotel they told us they were upgrading us to a "kid suite."  The girls said it was the "best hotel ever" because they had their own room complete with bunkbeds, a desk, and a t.v.!!!  Sunday we at breakfast at the hotel then headed out to the Milwaukee Zoo and spent the rest of the day there.  It was a really nice weekend. 
 The girls showing off their room at the "best hotel ever!"
 Cousin pizza party:)
 Grace "swimming"
 Trying to touch one of the sting rays at the zoo exhibit, pretty cool!
 Grace scoping things out with her backward binoculars
 My pretty Madisyn posing for a picture:)
 Family picture
The girls on their camel ride!!!

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