Sunday, June 16, 2013

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks 
Total weight gain: 30+
Maternity clothes? Yes, and growing out of some of those too!
Stretch marks? Yes and my belly button is pretty much an "outie" now
Sleep:Not so good; having lots of back pain the last couple nights and sleeping on the couch seems to help that.
Best moment this week: Our week was a little quieter this week thankfully.  We went out for dinner with my family on Monday night for an early Father's Day since my dad isn't home today.  I had a dr. appointment Wednesday; I always love hearing Wyatt's heartbeat:)  Madi scored her first goal in soccer this year at her game on Thursday so of course we had to celebrate with ice cream afterwards:)
Movement: Still squirming aournd quite a bit but definitely not as much as a couple weeks ago; we're both running out of space!
Food cravings: I want ice cream every night; so far we just had it Thursday night after soccer but it just sounds so good!
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Yes, I was sure this baby was coming on Saturday afternoon then hoping he would come today for Father's Day but no such luck.  I've been having lots more contractions (still not regular) and a ton of lower back pain. My feet and ankles have been a little better but still not great. 
What I miss: Sleep, normal feet and ankles:)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my Dr. on Wednesday when she will do an ultrasound to see how big he is and possibly induce me!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Wy man is gaining a half a pound each week now....please come out soon:)
Milestones: Wyatt is full term!!!

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