Sunday, February 24, 2013

God likes the small kindnesses you share

Today was Madi's last Sunday school class for the year.  Here's a sweet note she got from her teacher; more reasons to be proud:)

Dear Madisyn,
I wanted to send you a great BIG thank you to you and your family Thank you sooooooo much for the DQ card and the absolutely adorable way you presented it to me! Huge creativity points go to your mom, Madisyn! Did you tell her that my favorite thing in the whole wide world is ice cream??? I cannot wait to go to DQ. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday, and I might even share my gift card with him.
It was such a pleasure to have you in my class. You always participated with such thoughtful answers, and you always used such awesome manners with me and your classmates. Your mom and dad should be very proud of you! I know you will have no problem transitioning to the 1st grade classes next year. Especially since you are such a good reader!
It was so great to have a kindergartener that could read so well. You made my job easier because I didn't have to do all the reading. Most importantly, remember to let your light shine for Jesus and, remember, God likes the small kindnesses you share. So keep doing what you've been doing by helping your classmates zip their coats. You're keeping your friends warm, and you're warming God's heart too!
Ms. Christy
Here's the little treat we took her teacher.  It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself:)

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