Sunday, February 24, 2013

21 Weeks & Disney on Ice

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain: Still at 9-10 lbs
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants some shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Not the best, I feel tired ALL the time.  My blood pressure is consistently low, in the 90ish/50ish range so I know that doesn't help.  I guess I'm glad it's not the other way though.
Best moment this week: A fun girl's day today with Madi, Gracie, Mom, and Sarah at Disney on Ice then out to lunch!
Movement: Yes, lots of bladder punching going on lately:) 
Food cravings: I'm hungry for pizza but that's nothing new
Gender: Finally get to find out this coming Thursday, the 28th!!!  I can hardly wait. 
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really right now
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the length of a carrot this week
Milestones: Over half way there!
We also want to thank Grandma Hoverson for an awesome day at Disney on Ice today!  It was so much fun but I have to say the best part for me is watching the girls and the excitement in their eyes.  We had such a fun time:)
 Grandma and Madi-thanks Grandma for a great day!
 Auntie Sarah and Gracie enjoying some cotton candy
 My two little princesses before the show
 Mickey in the hot air balloon
Pocahontas, John Smith and Pumba with several other characters in the back ground

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