Monday, February 11, 2013

19 Weeks-halfway???

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain:  I weighed myself this morning and based on this morning's weight, I've only gained 6 pounds.  I'll take it;)
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and a few shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Not too bad this past week actually! 
Best moment this week: Feeling more movement!
Movement: On Saturday (the 9th) Dave had is hand on my stomach and I guess baby didn't like it; he/she gave his hand a big old kick.  I thought for sure he had to have felt it, but he didn't:(
Food cravings: Nothing really this week; had a couple days I was sick so nothing really sounded good
Gender: We will find out on February 28th, can't wait!!!
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really right now 
What I am looking forward to: Taking the girls on their Valentine date this coming Saturday; we told them they could choose to go wherever they wanted for the day (Children's Museum, bounce houses, the movies, etc) and out to eat wherever they'd like.
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a mango this week and roughly 6 inches and 8.5 oz!!!
Milestones: I'm going to go ahead and say I've just about reached my halfway mark (I'm sure I've jinxed myself now and will be 2 weeks late instead!)  Both girls were born roughly 2 weeks before their due date; Madi 11 days, and Grace exactly 2 weeks. 

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