Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's a BOY!!!

Meet our little man, Wyatt John Reed

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I think she's excited too...

 Madi came rushing up to me after school yesterday with an envelope that she had addressed with our address.  Inside was this picture she made for me.  It says, "To Mommy.  I love you.  Are you ready for Thursday.  Love Madi."  I think she is as excited as I am to find out if she's going to have a baby brother or another sister:)
Madisyn also brought this home today, she has passed off both her kindergarten and 1st grade words and is now moving on to 2nd grade words!  Dave was quizzing her on some 5th grade words last night and she struggled with a few of them but was able to get through most of them.  What a little smartie pants she is! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

God likes the small kindnesses you share

Today was Madi's last Sunday school class for the year.  Here's a sweet note she got from her teacher; more reasons to be proud:)

Dear Madisyn,
I wanted to send you a great BIG thank you to you and your family Thank you sooooooo much for the DQ card and the absolutely adorable way you presented it to me! Huge creativity points go to your mom, Madisyn! Did you tell her that my favorite thing in the whole wide world is ice cream??? I cannot wait to go to DQ. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday, and I might even share my gift card with him.
It was such a pleasure to have you in my class. You always participated with such thoughtful answers, and you always used such awesome manners with me and your classmates. Your mom and dad should be very proud of you! I know you will have no problem transitioning to the 1st grade classes next year. Especially since you are such a good reader!
It was so great to have a kindergartener that could read so well. You made my job easier because I didn't have to do all the reading. Most importantly, remember to let your light shine for Jesus and, remember, God likes the small kindnesses you share. So keep doing what you've been doing by helping your classmates zip their coats. You're keeping your friends warm, and you're warming God's heart too!
Ms. Christy
Here's the little treat we took her teacher.  It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself:)

21 Weeks & Disney on Ice

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain: Still at 9-10 lbs
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants some shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Not the best, I feel tired ALL the time.  My blood pressure is consistently low, in the 90ish/50ish range so I know that doesn't help.  I guess I'm glad it's not the other way though.
Best moment this week: A fun girl's day today with Madi, Gracie, Mom, and Sarah at Disney on Ice then out to lunch!
Movement: Yes, lots of bladder punching going on lately:) 
Food cravings: I'm hungry for pizza but that's nothing new
Gender: Finally get to find out this coming Thursday, the 28th!!!  I can hardly wait. 
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really right now
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the length of a carrot this week
Milestones: Over half way there!
We also want to thank Grandma Hoverson for an awesome day at Disney on Ice today!  It was so much fun but I have to say the best part for me is watching the girls and the excitement in their eyes.  We had such a fun time:)
 Grandma and Madi-thanks Grandma for a great day!
 Auntie Sarah and Gracie enjoying some cotton candy
 My two little princesses before the show
 Mickey in the hot air balloon
Pocahontas, John Smith and Pumba with several other characters in the back ground

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Maybe she's right...

I was looking for some good pregnancy arm workouts online (look at the picture I posted earlier for week 20, you'll understand why!) and Madi was watching me scroll through the results.  She said to me, "why would they be exercising when they are going to have a baby, it's not going to work anyway."  You know.....the girl has a point:)

Officially half way!

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: Back to the 9/10 lb. mark
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants some shirts 
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Not horrible but not great
Best moment this week: Madi feeling baby kick, the smile on her face and twinkle in her eyes was so sweet!
Movement: More and more, mostly at night or early in the morning when I lay on my back in bed; what a perfect way to start and end the day. 
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary this week
Gender: One week from tomorrow!!!
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really right now
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound next week!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is as long as a bananna this week:)
Milestones: Officially reaching the half way mark of this pregnancy!
A few other things to share:
*Our baby's name is now Peanut Butter; we were sittting at the table eating dinner the other night and Grace said, "I think Peanut Butter would be a good name for our baby."  We agreed that Peanut Butter is a much better name than "baby" and especially better than "it."  So....Peanut Butter it is, until next week anyway when we know if we're having a boy or girl! 
*Every morning when Grace gets up, she comes up to me and either pats or rubs my belly and says in the sweetest voice, "dood (good) morning baby."  It absolutely melts my heart every time.  She also loves to sing to the baby and says she is going to hold the baby and read it books; they are going to be such amazing big sisters:)
Here are a few picture of our fun Valentine's date with the girls.  We had a fun day and they were patient with us even though we had to go to 3 stores before our fun could begin, OMG, I know, we are horrible!
Here are the two little sweethearts  on Valentine's Day morning:)
 They decided they wanted to go to a place called Kids Town in Green Bay; here they are having dinner with their baby.
 Madi playing in the hospital room at Kids Town, what a goofball!
Having fun:).

Monday, February 11, 2013

You know your child loves school when...

This morning there was a 2 hour delay for the schools because of the rain/ice we got overnight.  I let the girls sleep in and neither of them got up until just before 7:00.  Madi got dressed as she usually does and came out, almost in tears.  I asked her what was wrong and she didn't want to tell me; I kept prying and finally, through her tears, she said, "I'm going to be late for school."  I assured her that we wouldn't be late for school because there was a 2 hour delay.  My kid might have been the only one in Pulaski crying because school was delayed 2 hours:)

19 Weeks-halfway???

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain:  I weighed myself this morning and based on this morning's weight, I've only gained 6 pounds.  I'll take it;)
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and a few shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Not too bad this past week actually! 
Best moment this week: Feeling more movement!
Movement: On Saturday (the 9th) Dave had is hand on my stomach and I guess baby didn't like it; he/she gave his hand a big old kick.  I thought for sure he had to have felt it, but he didn't:(
Food cravings: Nothing really this week; had a couple days I was sick so nothing really sounded good
Gender: We will find out on February 28th, can't wait!!!
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really right now 
What I am looking forward to: Taking the girls on their Valentine date this coming Saturday; we told them they could choose to go wherever they wanted for the day (Children's Museum, bounce houses, the movies, etc) and out to eat wherever they'd like.
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a mango this week and roughly 6 inches and 8.5 oz!!!
Milestones: I'm going to go ahead and say I've just about reached my halfway mark (I'm sure I've jinxed myself now and will be 2 weeks late instead!)  Both girls were born roughly 2 weeks before their due date; Madi 11 days, and Grace exactly 2 weeks. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 week (on time for a change!)
Total weight gain:  9lbs. :(
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and a few shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable!
Sleep: Could be better, I like to sleep with my hands under my pillow and now they fall asleep almost instantly if I try so I'm trying to find a new comfortable position. 
Best moment this week: My Dr. visit on Wednesday and my mom's good news Wed. too
Movement: Yes, for sure on January 29, 2013 and there was a pretty good kick yesterday; baby loves to sit on my right side of my stomach, I always look so lopsided:) 
Food cravings: Fry sauce (most people in WI have no idea what it is so we have to make our own)
Gender: We will find out on February 28th, can't wait!!!
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Sleeping with my hands under my pillow
What I am looking forward to: This week, not baby related again, I am looking forward to having two days off of work, I'm tired:)  Also hoping to get our taxes done...I know, I'm a nerd!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a sweet potato this week and roughly 5.6 inches and 6.7 oz!!!
Milestones: You know, every month, week, and day really feels like a milestone with this baby. After you lose a baby you realize just how precious and fragile this whole process is. You worry about every thing you feel or don't feel, every pain you feel, etc. In the time between dr. visits there is worry and until I go there and hear that baby's heartbeat, nothing can take that worry away no matter how far along I get. I hope now with being able to feel baby move some of my worry can go away because I will be able to feel his/her little life inside of me every single day and don't have to wait 4 weeks to hear his/her heart beating again.

We just took this to the next level of motherhood...

Last night we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and Grace held out her finger to me like she usually does when she wants me to kiss it better for some reason or another.  So, I leaned down and kissed her finger to which she replied, "boogie."  Yes, I kissed my child's booger.....GROSS!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Even in your sleep, really???

Like any siblings, my girls fight.  Not all the time, but somedays just enough to drive me crazy.  You know it's bad though, when Grace fights with Madi in her sleep.  I woke up to Grace doing a whine/cry this morning and saying, in her sleep, "why sissy not stop teasing me?"