Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sledding and 6 Month Little Man

 This little heartbreaker turned 6 months old today!  He seriously just melts my heart!
 Wy man's first sled ride!
 Faster Daddy:)
 Wyatt doing his first "jump."  It will be the first of many with this little guy I'm sure. 
 Gracie catching some air!
 Sledding sisters
 Gracie catching some big air!
 Madi's turn to do the jump
 Mommy and Wyatt even took a couple trips down the hill.  After we got to the bottom I turned him around to see his expression and he had a cute little grin on his face so I think he had fun. 
 Me and my kiddos
 Probably the best picture of the day, both girls coming off the jump!
 I went off the jump with the girls...we'll just say Mommy has a backache now...I'm getting old:)

 What a beautiful kid she is
 Silly (and cold) sisters
My happy Grace face
We had a really nice Sunday today.  We went to church and headed into Green Bay to make a couple returns and get a few groceries.  We had a very tasty lunch complements of my brother and his wife who gave us a gift certificate for Christmas to try Firehouse Subs.  It was SOOOO good and both kids ate like troopers which was an added bonus.  We had planned to take the kids sledding near our church but Dave remembered a good park not far from where he grew up and we decided to go there instead.  We had the whole hill to ourselves which was awesome.  The girls had a B.L.A.S.T.  I haven't laughed as hard as I did today in a long time, it was so much fun.  After sledding we came home and Doug, Sarah, and my adorable little nieces came over for a visit; they are such little peanuts:)  Then it was back to reality and doing laundry and all of my least favorite jobs...oh well!  Tomorrow is my last Monday of work and then Tuesday is my last official day!  It hasn't really sunk in yet that I am really done but I am getting so excited.  Have a good week and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Craziness

It always makes me sad just how quickly Christmas goes by after all the preparation put into it.  We had a very nice Christmas this year though, as we always do.  We had our own little family Christmas on Christmas Eve morning; Santa came a little early because he knew we'd be at my parent's house on Christmas Eve night:)  We must have all been VERY good this year because Santa spoiled us!  We had close to 300 pictures on our camera from Christmas so I could post a TON, but here are a few of my favorites!
 Grace with her new bike from Santa!
 Do you think this girl is excited about her gift of what???
 She even got teary-eyed:)
 Trying out her new out for this kid!
 Wyatt's new gas station.
 There was another present...To: The Reed Family (mostly Mommy and Daddy) From:  Santa  The girls could hardly believe their eyes, a new iPad!
 Wy man cruising on his new motorcycle:)  It won't be long!
 I just loved the look on her face in this one:)
 Crazy Hoverson Christmas with "A Christmas Story" playing on the tv. 
 Cute cousins.  I love these kids so much!
 Wyatt and his twin, Charlie Brown.
 Wy man and his Great Uncle John having fun at the Welter Family Christmas. 
 Trying to sneak a drink of Dad's beer already...oh no!
Most of Dave's extended family celebrating Christmas. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Another Week of Jolly and Other Christmas Fun

 Yesterday afternoon we rang the bell for the Salvation Army at our local grocery store. It was really a lot of fun and our cute kids really helped fill the kettle:)  They took turns ringing the bell and handing out candy canes that we brought and Grace sang "Jingle Bells" most of the time which really got people in the giving mood; who can resist that sweet little voice!  Wyatt just enjoyed taking it all in.  We look forward to making this a yearly tradition. 
 Jolly actually brought us candy canes to take with when we rang the bell, what a great idea Jolly!

 This morning Jolly was busy making a big snowflake out of Q-tips to go along with all the snow that is falling outside.
 Jolly got himself in a little predicament one morning when he managed to get all rolled up in the toilet paper. 
 Personally, this is my favorite thing Jolly has done yet and the girls thought it was great.  They (especially Grace) always sings the song "Wrecking Ball."  Jolly "came in like a wrecking ball" one morning then left us the giant ball hanging on our tree the next day. 
 Here is Madi heading up on the stage at her Christmas concert this past Thursday.  The lighting in the gym is terrible at school so this was one of the few pictures I got:(
 Jolly took the place of one of the Rice Krispie elves.
 Here's Grace at her church Christmas program last Sunday.  She did SOOOO good and could be heard above all the kids.  She was so proud!  Afterwards they served birthday cake for Baby Jesus in our church hall; such a good morning. 
 Jolly fixed one of our Barbie's hair one day and the girls were impressed by how good of a job he did!
 He played tic-tac-toe with one of our snowman decorations, it was a very close game!
 Here he is riding our Barbie jet-ski in the bathtub:)
 And we can't leave this little man out.  He is pretty much crawling and was sooo proud of himself the other day when he managed to get under the coffee table.  He can get himself basically anywhere he wants with a combination of scooting and rolling.  He will be 6 months old a week from tomorrow, where did the time go???

And, in other news, I worked my LAST Saturday at the bank yesterday!  Only 6 days of work left until I get to stay home with my kiddos!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We finally went and cut down our Christmas tree  last week after church and finally managed to get it decorated last night.  It was super cold out but the kids had a blast, even Wy man loved being outside.  This is the second year that we have gone to this tree farm and we really liked it and the family that runs it.  We were sad to find out that this is their last year selling trees:(  They built a new home on the land and no longer have enough acreage to plant the 1200 trees that need to be planted each year.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our outing:) usual:)
 This is my favorite picture; could this little man possibly be any cuter?
 Getting too big and so beautiful
 She was very proud of whatever she had found:)
 Gracie "helping" daddy cut down the tree

Rosy cheeks