Monday, January 9, 2012


We were in Wal-Mart last week when we turned down an aisle where there was an older gentleman with a white beard and white hair standing. Grace tuned in to him immediately and said, "Santa!" I wasn't sure if he'd heard her or not but he had and he smiled and gave her a little wave. We walked a little closer to him, apparently Santa also needed some salad dressing that day;) As we were getting ready to turn around he said to Grace, "are you still being a good girl?" For those of you who know Grace well, being good is an area she may struggle in just a little bit. Her eyes got REALLY big and she just looked at him, shocked! We walked away and Grace, who always has someting to say, was quiet for a good 5-10 minutes, still taking in what Santa had asked her:) It was so cute!!!

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