Monday, January 30, 2012

Report Card

Today Madi brought home her very 1st report card! We are happy to report that Madi received mostly scores of "S," or, secure with skills. There were a couple areas that she received "D's," or, showing growth and improvement. I had to laugh when I saw she got a "D" in "aware of personal space and the personal space of others." Yes, my daughter is a "hugger." We attended a family game night at her school the other night and noticed right away how many of her classmates she had to hug as we arrived (even a boy to which daddy gave a funny look :o) Already the girls are giggly, hugging girls....the middle school & high school years should be a blast:) Otherwise, Madi is doing great in school; she can identify all colors, shapes, and letters. We are proud of our little Miss Smarty Pants:)

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