Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grace's Baptism

The Hoverson Clan
The Reed clan
The Reed clan #2
Gracie with her Godparents, my brother Doug and Sister in law Sarah...AWESOME Godparents! Ga made the beautiful cake!
Madi and Grace before baptism, I LOVE that every picture of them together is like this; Madi smiling and Grace crying:)

Gracie was welcomed into our church on Sunday and is officially a little Catholic now:) We had wished to get her baptized sooner but they don't baptize babies during lent so this weekend was our first opportunity to do so. She did awesome during the water over the head, much better than the other little girl who was baptized at the same time (not that we're competitive or anything:) Afterwards everyone came to our house for brunch (all 20 of us again). We enjoyed omelets, danish, muffins, fruit and of course a beautiful cake made by Ga. It was a very nice day and the weather turned out to be beautiful too. Thanks to everyone who joined in Grace's specail day.

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