Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Story of Grace

Here is the story of Grace's arrival, as promised. Since we knew we were being induced there is no super exciting story but still a great one in my opinion. Dave and I got up about 4am on the 20th to get ready to head to the hospital. We left our house about 5am to be to the hospital for our 6am check in, we were a little anxious. We were able to get started a little early and got all of the paperwork, etc. out of the way. By about 7am I was all hooked up to the iv and the Pitocin was started. Fairly soon after I started to feel some contractions but nothing was consistent and it was not too painful. I was dilated to a 4 when we arrived at the hospital which was promising. They continued to up the dose of Pitocin and I finally started having some pretty good contractions. I was checked a little while later and had only dilated to a 5. The contractions continued and my Dr. came around 8am and broke my water during her morning rounds. I waivered back and forth between getting an epidural or not but decided to go ahead with it. My mechanic minded husband put it to me this way; in the summer you have air conditioning in your car, why would you not use it and suffer through the heat. It was a good decision for me in the end though the feeling of not being able to feel was very strange and it took FOREVER for one of my legs to come out of it. About 11:15 I was checked again and was still only at a 5. I was feeling pretty bummed. Around noon I told the nurse I was really able to feel the contractions again and was feeling some pressure. Sure enough, she checked and I was at 9 1/2cm. They called my dr. who had a 15 minute drive to the hospital and in the mean time I started pusing with the nurse. The Dr. came in, took off her coat, suited up, sat down and I pushed a few more times and Grace was born at 1:28pm, perfect in every way. It's hard to imagine being able to love someone as much as you love your first born but I quickly found out that it is completely possible. I love both of my girls so much and I think it's a little unfair to all the other mom's out there that God gave me the two most beautiful girls on earth. What a lucky mom I am.

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