Friday, January 15, 2010

Maternity Leave Here I Come!

Today is my last day of work until March 22nd!!! I, with a little coaxing from my boss, decided that just taking all of next week off would be good for me; it will give me time to rest and spend a couple days with Madisyn before we ruin her life:) I always tell my brother that the day he was born ruined my life forever:) Madisyn may think that for a while but give her and Grace 23 years or so and they may learn to enjoy eachother's company, Doug and I have afterall! It is such a great feeling knowing that I will have the next 2+ months to spend with my girls; the only better feeling would be knowing that I don't have to come back at all. Since that's not in our cards right now though, I plan to make the most of this next 2 months. Hooray for maternity leave!!!

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your maternity leave! Just what you all need! I bet Madi is excited to have you, Lexie all to yourself! Can't wait to hear the good news of Gracie arriving! It has to be nice to know you have a for sure date if Grace doesn't appear by Wednesday! Wonder what you'll find out at this Monday's appt. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. We love you so!