Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It looks like our sweet new addition will be here no later than a week from tomorrow!!! I had my Dr. appointment today and Grace is roughly 8lbs. 3oz. already! I will go to the Dr. again on Monday and she will check to see if I'm making any progress on my own and then we will likely schedule me to be induced, next Wednesday or Thursday. I can hardly wait to meet her. We also had an ultrasound today and Grace looks EXACTLY like her sister from the pictures, it was so crazy to see those same chubby cheeks we saw almost 3 1/2 years ago! We also saw some hair in the pictures and the ultrasound tech said it's the most hair she's seen in a long time. I am so ready to meet this little girl!!! For some reason on the way home from the Dr. I had a small meltdown and cried the entire way...I was thinking about how next week our lives are totally going to change and when we leave Madi to go to the hospital, thinking about how that will be the last time I leave "my baby" although she will always be my baby. I don't know if knowing when Grace is going to come or not is worse, gives me too much time to think. Could be a combination of the lack of sleep and hormones too! I know we'll all adjust fine, it's just the worrier in me:) But, I am just super excited to meet this little girl and now at work when someone asks me, "when are you going to have that baby" I can actually give them an answer!!!

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