Tuesday, January 12, 2010

36 Weeks

Total weight gain: Still 30 lbs., haven't gained any weight in about 2 months now
Maternity clothes? Absolutely, I wear the same 5 outfits each week because very few shirts will cover Ms. Grace
Stretch marks? Yes, probably some new and old although I know I was much bigger with Madisyn, I guess it's just how differently I'm carrying Grace
Sleep: What is sleep? My legs, hips and back are killing me making sleep very scarce.
Best moment this week: I guess the anticipation is the best and the worst; I can't stand this waiting game but knowing our little girl could be here anytime is super exciting.
Movement: Still quite a bit of movement but it's getting pretty tight in there, today she's pretty quiet.
Food cravings: I cannot wait until I can have a day of not worrying about my blood sugars after Grace is born. There is an ice cream place very close to the hospital that we will be visiting after my Dr. gives me the all clear:)
Gender: "Still a girl"
Labor Signs: Contractions each day, alot of lower back pain since Friday and lots of pressure.
What I miss: Sleep and dessert:)
What I am looking forward to: Going to the Dr. tomorrow and seeing what she has to say. We will have an ultrasound and stress test to make sure Grace is doing what she needs to be. I was hoping to have her before tomorrow or tomorrow since it's my mom's birthday, I guess it could still happen.
Weekly Wisdom: I feel like such a major whiner this time around, like my pain tolerance has taken a nose dive. I feel like all I do is compain about how uncomfortable I am or how tired I am, I just don't remember it being like this with Madi...it makes me scared for the actual birth! I do feel like I finally don't have lists at home and work, giving me more time to just hang out with Dave and Madi at night. This past weekend we really got everything that I wanted to be done, done so I'm feeling pretty good. I made about 7 meals to put in the freezer for after she's born and my sister-in-law to be made us some meals too (thanks Sarah!!!) so we are in good shape there. I just need my baby girl to get here and soon!
Milestones: 9 months!!! The end is in sight!


Erin said...

Don't worry about whining or complaining you are 9 months pregnant after all...you definitely get a pass. I hope she makes her appearance soon. I can't wait to see pictures!!!

Vicki Reed said...

2nd pregnancy is different from first, #1 because you have an energetic child keeping you busier than 1st time around. #2 like you said, you are carrying Grace differently than Madisyn. #3 your doctor pushed up the probable due date which would tend to make anyone whine & feel "when is this baby going to be born?" Finally you do not whine. We ask you how you're doing because we love you & expressing your aches & pains & thoughts is a great way to relieve stress & gives us a chance to be supportive because we LOVE you!! I continue to pray for Gracie's & your health and that your labor isn't too tough on you. (Hope it's fast like Madi's.)We're waiting for that all important phone call day or night!!!