Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wisconsin Dells, Day 2

Dave, Madi and I along the riverwalk.
Madi showing Mommy the boat
This is what you get after swimming for close to 2 hours, one VERY tired little girl!
Madi on the cute little train.
Our happy little girl.
Madi and I next to the horses used to pull us through the "Lost Canyon"
The Lost Canyon
Daddy was swinging and Madi said, "Daddy you're getting high." It was super funny.
Our second day at the Dells was VERY eventful. We got up and had breakfast at Paul Bunyan's restaurant. After that we went and walked the streets with all the fun little shops until Madi insisted on "going home," which to her meant the hotel. She wanted to go back because she had gotten a toy earlier in the day that she couldn't wait to play with. So, we went back to the hotel and she played and then we went swimming for close to 2 hours. She had a blast and was very tired afterwards. Later on we went on a tour of the "Lost Canyon" which was very cool. After that we went to the riverwalk and enjoyed a great dinner right along the river. To end our night we attended the Tommy Bartlett Show which was very cool. On the way out Madi said, "that was my best (meaning that was her favorite thing) then she said, "give me high five." She is such a goof. We had a great time and Madi cried on the way home because she wanted to go back to the hotel. We spent the rest of our Memorial Day weekend having a cookout with family and then enjoying Madi's FINISHED play area.

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