Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A trip down memory lane...

Well, I have officially been off the dating market for 5 years now:) Dave and I were engaged 5 years ago yesterday, the 25th. Here's the story of our engagement, sorry if it bores anyone, I love remembering it:)

Dave and I had been officially dating for one day short of 5 months. We knew already at that time that we would one day get married but both of us were still in school and there was no money to buy a ring so we were content just knowing that someday it would happen. I was making dinner on May 25, 2004; just a simple dinner of brats; ironically the same thing we ate yesterday! I mentioned that I thought we needed a little something to go with our brats, something as simple as chips but I soon decided against it because I didn't want to go to the store. That must have been Dave's cue because he became obsessed with getting me the chips I wanted to go with dinner. I told him it was fine but he insisted on going to get them. So, he went to get some chips and I sat down to do some studying.

What I didn't know is that Dave was headed to his apartment where a package had been delivered earlier in the day for him...a package that contained my engagement ring, shipped from Green Bay, WI by his Grandma Reed. Dave is very close to his Grandma (as am I now) and in talking to her about me and about marrying me, she said she'd be happy to give up one of her rings to serve as an engagement ring for me.

Dave came back to my apartment a while later, with the chips he just had to go get and I didn't think anything of it. I was sitting on the couch reading and he came up to me and made me stand up. At this point I was just annoyed, "I'm studying, leave me alone." Pretty soon he got down on his knee and pulled this ring out of his pocket and asked me to marry him. The first thing I said to him was "shut up." I knew we didn't have any money so I couldn't figure out where he had gotten this ring from. His plan was to wait until the next day (our 5 month anniversary) but he just couldn't stand it. Of course I said yes and we then had a romantic dinner of brats to celebrate our engagement!

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