Sunday, May 17, 2009

Events of the last week...

This was my garage on Friday. It is looking much better now after our rummage sale yesterday. We won't be having another rummage sale for a LONG time. It was alot of work.
Here are the 3 stooges, I mean the 3 turkey hunters; Doug, Dave and Paul. They look forward to turkey hunting all year long. They had fun but weren't able to bring home a big tom this year.
Here is Madi helping Daddy blow out the candle on his birthday rhubarb pie.
Here is Daddy and his new bow. He said he wanted a bow for his birthday so that's what he got:) He also got money to buy a new bow which he's been wanting for a long time, he can't wait to go shopping when it's for something he wants:)
This is Madi on Daddy's birthday, she got some cookies so she didn't feel left out with the presents. I think she was happy.
Here I am on Mother's Day with Dave's mom, Grandma and my little Madi of course. I had a nice mother's day and was spoiled as usual. I got a clothes line that I've been begging for for quite a while now from Dave. My parent's got me a two-person swing for in our backyard which I LOVE.
Last Saturday my baby sister went to the prom. She looked absolutely gorgeous

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