Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wisconsin Dells, Day 1

Madi and Daddy at the Wisconsin Deer Park, this place was AMAZING!
At the deer park, the deer were just walking around freely and would walk right up to us, it was the coolest thing.
Madi petting a deer; she said she wants to take one home.
She was feeding them at one point and she told them to "sit," it was so cute.
Our little beach bum. She LOVES swimming. Today she was jumping in all by herself.
Madi and Mommy in front of one of the Duck Boats.
The tour on these boats/trucks was really cool.
Madi had fun on the boats too.
Here are just a few highlights of our great first day at the Dells. Today we went on a Duck Boat tour, went to the Wisconsin Deer Park, did some swimming and had an excellent dinner out. It was Dave's lucky night out eating; he ordered a pizza and on the way out, the waitress got bumped and one slice fell off. Soooo, they gave him another entire pizza for free in addition to the one that was missing a slice. Tomorrow's agenda includes breakfast at Paul Bunyan's, going to all the little gift shops (I know Dave loves me because he does things like this with me:) and then tomorrow night we will see the Tommy Bartlett show. We're looking forward to another great day with our little girl.

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