Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Easter egg hunt at Ga and Papa's house
Daddy, Mommy and goofy Madi before brunch
In her Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it...
Madi sitting in her "Easter basket" drinking her chocolate milk (she said she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring her chocolate milk...what Madi wants, Madi gets)
Daddy and Madi decorating the Easter eggs...we only had a few fatalities along the way but Daddy was happy to eat them for us

We had a great Easter as usual. Madi is at such a fun age; watching her enjoy the holidays makes me so happy. We went to church Easter morning where we met Dave's parents, his Grandpa and Grandma Reed and his sister Laura and her husband Luis. From church we went to brunch where we met most of Dave's mom's side of the family. The food was awesome and Madi had a great time with her 2nd cousins who taught her a new bad habit:) From there it was off to Dave's mom and dad's house to get Madi's 2nd Easter basket of the day. The afternoon took us to my mom and dad's house where we enjoyed an AMAZING dinner and Madi found her 3rd Easter basket of the day. We also participated in the annual Hoverson family Easter egg hunt which none of us kids will ever outgrow:) After being gone for 12 hours, we finally made our way home where Madi slept very well and so did Mommy and Daddy:)

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