Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Egg"stra good day...

Madi and Mommy with Madi's cookie that she decorated at the Y Easter egg hunt
Madi decorating her cookie, notice her double fisted with the sprinkles.
Out little princess
This is how Madi feels about the Easter Bunny, in person anyway
Madi and Daddy waiting to eat "Breakfast with the Easter Bunny"
We had a great Saturday with our little lady today. We started off the moring with a trip to the zoo which included a pancake and porkie breakfast and an Easter egg hunt throughout the zoo. Next, Mommy got a haircut and color which Mommy needed VERY badly...thanks Debbie!!! Then we grabbed a bite to eat and were off to the YMCA for Easter egg hunt #2. Madi seemed to have a good time today but now we need to rest up for another fun filled day tomorrow and a visit from the Easter Bunny tonight. Hopefully she gets the chocolate milk she's been asking for:)

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