Monday, April 20, 2009

A day off with my princess

Madi getting brave...inching closer to the pole to slide down Happy little girl
Crawling through the tunnel

I took the day off on Friday, partly to get ready for the baby shower I hosted on Sunday, but mostly just to have a day with my girl. We don't get to hang out just the two of us near as much as I wish we could but Friday was just what we needed. We started out by sleeping in as much as we could then got up and did a few things around the house. Later on we headed into Green Bay and did some grocery shopping then got some lunch which we took with us to the park for a picnic. We played at the park for a while then headed home. Later in the afternoon Madi got to play outside with her new friends next door, Brooke and Jacob. It was a great day, if only there could be more just like it:)

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