Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to mybest friend Erika...Erika and I met in 1st grade and have been through alot together. I hooked her up with her hubby and her little girl is named after me. This is a picture from when we were roomies at UW; she'll probalby kill me if she sees it:) I miss her alot and wish we lived closer. Happy Birthday on the 27th!!!
Happy Birthday to my father-in-law on the 22nd! Thanks for sharing a great dinner and birthday cake with us on your birthday, hope your day was great!!!
Happy Birthday to my Granny on the 13th. This picture was taken quite a while ago and alot has changed since, including my weight and my hair length:) Happy Birthay Granny, we love you!
Happy Birthday to Dave's sister Laura on the 27th! We hope this year is a great year for you and this will be the year that all your dreams come true!
Also a big Happy Birthday to my friends Jen (on the 20th), Steph (on the 10th) and Lu (on the 27th). All of these girls are friends from the University of Wyoming and I'm really looking forward to seeing Jen and Steph at Steph's wedding in August! Happy Birthday month everyone!!!


Lately I have been struggling, struggling to make myself walk out the door each morning and go to work. This morning I had tears in my eyes when I left my mom's house. Why you ask? One word, Madisyn. In the past several weeks Madi has been having a hard time with mommy going to work; even before we ever leave our house each morning she is asking me to stay home with her. If she only knew how much I want that too, to spend more time with her is what I've wanted since the first day I went back to work after she was born and lately, it's eating me up inside. I'm not proud of the fact that I am jealous right now, but I am. I'm jealous that some moms get to stay home with their kids, just as my mom did. I just wish there was some way that I could stay home with Madi but financially it's just not an option for us. So, until I can figure out a solution to my current struggles, I'll keep enjoying every minute I do have with my little girl who is getting big too fast. Who wouldn't want to spend every waking moment with this happy little face.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My silly girl...

Madi has had a couple funnies in the last couple days that are worthy of sharing...yesterday she told my mom that mommy was sick today. My mom asked her a little bit about it and Madi proceeded to tell her that I was sick for 2 hours. My mom got excited thinking maybe there was something we weren't telling them and I was maybe having morning sickness. I'm not sure where Madi got that from though because I surely wasn't sick yesterday...sorry to get your hopes up mom:) Then yesterday we saw some babies on tv. I commented how cute they were and she said, "I wish I had a baby in my tummy real bad." She is such a ham:)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Erin's Baby Shower

Here is my sis-in-law Erin with her cake...she is due to have our nephew June 1!!!
This is one of the decorations I made, if you can't read it, it says Baby Reed
Here is the table all decorated for the party!
The cake made by my personal cake maker...my mom!
One of the party favors; Erin is a coffee fanatic so of course I gave out coffee packets. They said, "A Baby is Brewing...Paul & Erin's perfect blend."
The other party favor; candy bars with personalized wrappers. "Anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Dear" baby Reed.
This is one of the other decorations I made for the shower, it hung above the table during the shower.

I had such a great time planning this shower. I had so much fun making all the decorations and favors to match. Paul and Erin got lots of great baby stuff now all they need is the baby! We can't wait to meet him in June!

A day off with my princess

Madi getting brave...inching closer to the pole to slide down Happy little girl
Crawling through the tunnel

I took the day off on Friday, partly to get ready for the baby shower I hosted on Sunday, but mostly just to have a day with my girl. We don't get to hang out just the two of us near as much as I wish we could but Friday was just what we needed. We started out by sleeping in as much as we could then got up and did a few things around the house. Later on we headed into Green Bay and did some grocery shopping then got some lunch which we took with us to the park for a picnic. We played at the park for a while then headed home. Later in the afternoon Madi got to play outside with her new friends next door, Brooke and Jacob. It was a great day, if only there could be more just like it:)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Easter egg hunt at Ga and Papa's house
Daddy, Mommy and goofy Madi before brunch
In her Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it...
Madi sitting in her "Easter basket" drinking her chocolate milk (she said she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring her chocolate milk...what Madi wants, Madi gets)
Daddy and Madi decorating the Easter eggs...we only had a few fatalities along the way but Daddy was happy to eat them for us

We had a great Easter as usual. Madi is at such a fun age; watching her enjoy the holidays makes me so happy. We went to church Easter morning where we met Dave's parents, his Grandpa and Grandma Reed and his sister Laura and her husband Luis. From church we went to brunch where we met most of Dave's mom's side of the family. The food was awesome and Madi had a great time with her 2nd cousins who taught her a new bad habit:) From there it was off to Dave's mom and dad's house to get Madi's 2nd Easter basket of the day. The afternoon took us to my mom and dad's house where we enjoyed an AMAZING dinner and Madi found her 3rd Easter basket of the day. We also participated in the annual Hoverson family Easter egg hunt which none of us kids will ever outgrow:) After being gone for 12 hours, we finally made our way home where Madi slept very well and so did Mommy and Daddy:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Egg"stra good day...

Madi and Mommy with Madi's cookie that she decorated at the Y Easter egg hunt
Madi decorating her cookie, notice her double fisted with the sprinkles.
Out little princess
This is how Madi feels about the Easter Bunny, in person anyway
Madi and Daddy waiting to eat "Breakfast with the Easter Bunny"
We had a great Saturday with our little lady today. We started off the moring with a trip to the zoo which included a pancake and porkie breakfast and an Easter egg hunt throughout the zoo. Next, Mommy got a haircut and color which Mommy needed VERY badly...thanks Debbie!!! Then we grabbed a bite to eat and were off to the YMCA for Easter egg hunt #2. Madi seemed to have a good time today but now we need to rest up for another fun filled day tomorrow and a visit from the Easter Bunny tonight. Hopefully she gets the chocolate milk she's been asking for:)

Friday, April 10, 2009

My silly little girl...

Tonight Madisyn took out her little step stool that she uses to wash her hands at the sink. She stepped up on it and started saying, "beep, beep, beep"...then she said, "I'm on the Biggest Loser." It was so funny, it took me a minute to figure out what she was doing but I thought it was so cute. For anyone who watches the Biggest Loser you know that she was prentending to weigh in like the contestants do. Tuesday nights are Madi and my "Biggest Loser date night." Dave has bow league on Tuesdays so Madi and I always watch Biggest Loser together, eat popcorn and Madi drinks her chocolate milk. She looks forward to it as much as I do. She's such a silly little thing, I just love her to death.