Monday, September 29, 2014

The things sisters fight about

We were on our way home from my parent's house tonight and Dave and I stopped to listen to the girls' conversation.  They were talking about what names they like for when they have kids someday.  Pretty soon the conversation got a little heated when they both liked the same name and started fighting about who would get to use the name for their child.  Madi argued that she would just have kids first so she could use the name first.  Thank goodness they got that all squared away tonight so we won't have to worry about it in 15-20 years. 

Copper Falls Camping Trip

We spent the past weekend (plus Friday) camping at Copper Falls near Ashland, WI.  Dave's dad grew up in Ashland and his Grandparents lived there on and off throughout their later years; it's also where their ashes are buried.  We've been wanting to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Reed's gravesite for a while now and decided to make a camping trip of it.  It was a beautiful weekend with nearly peak fall colors and temps in the upper 70's.  We know they were there with us, as they are every day.  We were able to have lunch with two of Grandma Reed's sisters and their husbands, her  brother and his wife, and her niece.  They are such wonderful people and we enjoy keeping in touch with them as we know they miss Grandma and Grandpa every bit as much as we do.  It was also our first camping trip in our new camper and we couldn't be happier with it.  It was a beautiful weekend and everyone had a great time; the girls told us that they can't pick a favorite part because all the parts of the weekend were their favorite. 
 Friday morning, first breakfast in the new camper
 Madi and Carter having a serious talk around the campfire:)
 Wy just lounging by the fire
 The kids making some beautiful pictures
 Ready for a little hike
 Cute cousins on a log
 We thought the reflection of the colors in the water was soooo pretty!
 Camping is hard work!
 Like father, like son
 I just love this picture of my two favorite guys:)
 The kiddos trying out the cinnamon rolls we made over the campfire
 Wy playing in the water fountain at the park; I think this was all the kids' favorite thing to do
 Madi leaving her mark on the fire ring
 Such a good big sis; he loves her so much!
 So pretty!
 Ready to go see the falls
 So beautiful
 Dave snapped this very cool shot
And Gracie, just being a tree:)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grace's Prayers

Last night we were saying prayers with the kids and we always say, "thank you God for....."   Grace said, "I'm thankful for your make-up cause it makes you look pretty."  This girl really has a way of putting me in my place:)  I'm sure God got a good chuckle out of it though:)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken on September 13th by the woman who took twin's newborn pictures.  She did such a wonderful job and was so patient with our "busy" kids:)  I would love to include them all but it would take all day to download them all so here are some of my favorites:)


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Shoot Fun

Since Madi's birthday party is over and we displayed all the fun pictures we took of her when we did her "photo shoot" I wanted to share some of  the rest of the pictures we took of her.  It was so much fun:)