Friday, March 7, 2014

Crazy Days

I realize it's been a while since I've updated our blog.  There is never a dull moment in our days lately.  We started babysitting my precious nieces three weeks ago.  We were staying with my mom for the first two weeks while my dad was away at work and having an extra set of hands was great, but the best part was spending time with my mom and Wyatt, Hannah, and Hattie, getting in on lots of Grandma cuddles.  So, now we're home and going at my new "job" solo.  So far it's been great.  They are the sweetest, most mellow girls.  They fill diapers like it's nobody's business but their cuteness makes up for it:)  This morning I texted Dave, "3 babies, 3 poopy diapers, 1 blowout all before 8:00.  Happy Friday."  He texted me back, "God bless you." No doubt it's a lot of work but I wouldn't trade it for the world! 

Our little Wyatt isn't sure what to think of it all some days and relentlessly tries to steal his cousin's pacifiers and waits until the perfect moment when mommy is distracted and goes right in to snatch it up:)  He is ever so close to walking and walks along the furniture constantly.  I have NEVER met a busier baby!  He is getting over his second double ear infection in the last two months:( 

Madi is our little smarty pants and came home with a huge chapter book from library yesterday.   She is the kid who does her homework on the bus:)  She is such a good kid and an amazing helper with all the little ones. 

Then there's Gracie:)  She is her funny little self.  She has recently taken to asking us to say the prayer before dinner.  The night we had gotten home from staying with my mom she asked to say it and said, "thank you Jesus for bringing us home."  It was so sweet.  On Ash Wednesday we went to church and she asked me why I had dirt on my head.  I told her it wasn't dirt and tried to explain to her the best I could.  She said, "yeah, because Jesus died on the cross and I miss him very, very much.  She apparently is learning something in her Sunday school class:)  A couple more Grace funnies...
Madi:  "Today we learned about Mozart in school."
Grace:  "Moes? I love Moes!" (one of our favorite places to eat)

Me:  "How many hot dogs do you want for lunch?"
Grace:  "Fifteen, I want fifteen." 

Here's a few pictures of all the cuties.  Happy Friday:)
 Is she adorable or what?
 Our almost walking 8 month old!
 Ok, seriously, could he be any more handsome???
 Sweet Hattie:)  She is such a GOOD baby!
 This picture pretty much sums up our days, chaos!
 Sweet, sleeping, little Hannah!
 If this doesn't put a smile on your face, I'm not sure what will!
Our little girl is sadly growing up:(  Here she is with one of her BFFs, Gracelyn, at a fun "dance" her school had.

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