Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky? Maybe. Blessed? You bet:)

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Even though we're not Irish, of course we still had to celebrate and enjoy everything green.  I spent my day with the four cutest leprechauns you've ever seen and another cute little leprechaun joined us after school:) 
 Sweet, sleepy, Wyatt enjoying his green pancakes for breakfast:)
 Green pancakes, green milk, and gold coins!
 All five little leprechauns:)  Poor Wyatt just wants to stay away from all the girls!
 Hannah and Hattie love big cousin Madi!
 We tried making green moon dough today.  We ran out of food coloring so it wasn't super green and turned out to be mostly a huge mess but Grace liked it:)
 We made these cute little leprechaun projects today, I have to laugh everytime I look at them!
And sweet Hannah.  She had her thumb in her pacifier today and then fell asleep with it like that. 

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