Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day and I have sort of a love-hate relationship.  For anyone who knows my mom, you know that she always made (and still makes) every holiday special.  Once I was older and in relationships on Valentine's Day, it got a little less "special", I guess those guys just couldn't live up to my mom's exceptionally high holiday standards:)  The first year Dave and I were together on Valentine's Day, I remember not planning anything for dinner that night because, surely, we would be going out somewhere.  Well, he came home from work and there was obviously no intention of us going out for dinner, let alone to someplace that required reservations!  I was disappointed and may have pouted a little and we did indeed end up going out for dinner, to a Chinese buffet.  It wasn't exactly what I had hope for.  After that year, it kind of became our yearly tradition/standing joke though.  I think one year my brother even came with us, that's just how romantic we are.  Dave has done his best to redeem himself throughout the last 8 years of marriage but sometimes, we still get Chinese for dinner and that's ok with me:)  In fact, that's what we had tonight! Funny how your priorities change over the years. 

Having kids has made me love Valentine's Day again, I love making it special for them and seeing their excitement.  Grace has gotten out of bed every morning for the last week asking me if it is Valentine's Day yet:)  We make red, heart shaped, jello for lunches, heart shaped peanut butter and jelly, fun Valentine's for class treats, get heart shaped pizza for dinner, make heart braids in the hair, and dress in Valentine clothes for a week or two leading up to Valentine's Day.  They always get a little something for Valentine's Day and then we go do something fun, whatever they choose.  Today there was no school so they decided that they wanted to go to the Children's Museum in Green Bay.  They also chose lunch at McDonalds with a play land. We had a fun afternoon and Grace said she wished we could start the day all over again! Happy Valentine's Day!

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