Tuesday, May 18, 2010


They say change is good and I know that the change I am making is going to be GREAT. I have been offered a job as a teller for Citizen's bank in Pulaski which I am absolutely thrilled about. Not only will it add about 1 1/2 hours to my days in time that was spent in the car, the best part is that I will only be working 20 hours/week so I get to spend more time with my girls. I'm feeling alot of emotions regarding this change; I'm nervous to be starting something new because I've been at the Y since I graduated college 5 years ago. I'm excited for a new opportunity and mostly excited because I get to be home more. I'm sad because I really have loved being at the Y but mostly I'm thankful...I'm thankful that this is possible for me, thankful that my amazing husband is okay with this. We both know things may be hard for a while but in the end it will all be worth it. My last day at the Y will be May 28th. I've gotten some great notes from co-workers responding to the news, here are a few to show you what amazing people I work with.

*I am both sad and happy to read your news, as a mom, I am thrilled for you, because you and your girls will treasure this time but I will miss you as a coworker. You have been a tremendous help and have always been so kind to me, thank you so much.

*Best of Luck Lexie, we will miss you!

*O my goodness!!! That is sad/happy!!!! Good luck to you!!

*I will miss you horribly! Your smile truly brightens my day, Lexie. Congratulations to you on the new ventures ahead. You will be thankful for the additional time with your daughters, and husband, as the time passes so fast (and faster once the girls are in school). You are an amazing woman and our YMCA is better to have had you part of our association for five years. Thank YOU for all the wonderful things you have done during your time here, and know that YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE!!!

*OMG Lexie no one will miss you more than me. I am happy you will be able to spend more time with the girls. That is so important. I enjoyed working with you the past 5 years and I will miss you. Good luck with the new job. BFF Mari

I can and I can’t believe you are leaving! Time does fly by when the kids are young. Enjoy it. I always feel I can count on you when I need help or second guess what I should do. It will be very strange without you here. I will miss you very much.

*Aww, Lexie! I am sorry to hear that you are parting ways from us! But definitely understand the move! I hope to see you before then!

*WOW! I don’t know if I can imagine a DT Membership Office without a Lexie! …. But I absolutely “get” the reason you’ve decided to go. The children should be first in your mind and your memories need to be made now while you still have control. Believe me, they grow up way too fast.

I’m guessing we’ll have a big ole party to say good bye to you, but just in case ….. Best of luck. Enjoy! Cherish the memories! Know that you will be missed HUGELY!!!!

*I am very happy for you good luck to you and you have made the right decision to spend time with your girl’s they grow so fast I know firsthand. I hope somehow we can still stay in touch. You are a true friend and I appreciate all you have done for me over the past year.

*Wow, Lexie – I feel like someone punched me in the gut. I’m really going to miss you. You’ve always been wonderful. Not just as a work associate, either. You’ve always been a very considerate, thoughtful person. Wow.

I’m excited that you’ll have more time with your kids. My mom dropped down to part-time when I was a kid, too. Made the eventual transition into school that much easier, as I didn’t have to sweat when I’d see her again. So, any social anxiety I had with the transition was greatly reduced. Plus, it made for some really fond memories and a warm childhood. You’re definitely making the right decision. Your kids are very lucky.

I’m really going to miss you. I feel like I’m losing a close friend.


1 comment:

Erin said...

Lexie, That's fantastic that you get to spend more time with your girls. I'm envious! Good luck with the new job.