It's so hard to believe that this precious little girl has been here with us for 4 months already (well, technically 4 months and 1 week!). She is an absolute delight to have in our family and her name could not possibly fit her better. We went to the Dr. today for her check-up and she did great with her 3 shots; cried for a second but the second Mommy walked back in the room (I make Daddy do the dirty work) she giggled at me. It's so fun to compare her and Madi's growth patterns as she grows. Here's what Grace has been up to lately.
Weight: 16 lbs. 2 oz. (compared to Madi's 20 lbs. 4 oz. at the same age!!!)
Height: 26 1/2 inches long (compared to Madi's 25 1/4 inches at the same age)
New tricks: rolled from back to front on 5/23 and front to back on 5/25
*Grace continues to sleep through the night and has been doing so since 3/17/10
*Grace ADORES her big sis and is constantly watching her and smiling at her
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